Berkhamsted Art Exhibition

Just a quick post to plug the local Berkhamsted Art Society Exhibition1, which is running until 5pm this Saturday (18th May2). It is a beautiful exhibition of local artists held in Berkhamsted Civic Centre, open daily from 9am to 5pm.

I was very surprised during my stewarding slot to discover how few visitors the exhibition was getting – considering the attractive venue, the location bang in the centre of Berkhamsted (barely ten minutes walk3 from the nearest railway station), the free tea, coffee and biscuits on offer, and of course the quality of the artwork on display4.

So – do please come and have a look if you’re in the area over the next few days!

190516 Berkhamsted Map

Or, as I have affectionately heard it phrased, Berko.

And not in fact the 8th of May, which was the date I so cunningly wrote on some blameless visitor’s receipt today…

Or – as I discovered dashing for the train home – 4.5 minutes flat-out running with a heavy backpack.

Not just mine ;p.

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